Thursday, May 27, 2010

Martin will start Saturday

SAN FRANCISCO -- Right-hander J.D. Martin will be recalled from Class AAA Syracuse to start Saturday night's game in San Diego, a club source confirmed.

Martin, 27, is 2-1 with a 2.97 ERA in six starts with the Chiefs and last pitched Saturday against Toledo. The Nationals will wait until after tomorrow night's game to make a move, at which point they'll need to remove a position player from the roster.

Read the full story on Martin, as well as an update on Scott Olsen, on


Souldrummer said...

Ask not for whom the bell tolls Justin Maxwell, It tolls for Thee.

Anonymous said...

Old news, we learned Martin was getting the start during last night's win.

The Nats have two demotion candidates, Maxwell, who cant hit major league pitching, but is an outstanding defensive outfielder, or Bernadina who can hit a little, but makes defensive blunders that are inexcusable. I hope they opt to keep Maxwell's glove.

Anonymous said...

They're not going to keep Maxwell over Bernadina. Bernadina has played semi-regularly and hasn't been half bad. Maxwell has done nothing in the week he's been up. He'll be going back down tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

Semi regular over what, a .177 hitting Willie Harris? Maxwell has never been given the same chances that Bernadina has. Comparing the two is like comparing apples and oranges. Maxwell has, despite a low batting average, been able to get on base at a .395 clip. If the Nats have no intention of ever giving Maxwell the opportunity of playing every day, they have no business calling him up in the first place.

richard in Bethany said...


Souldrummer said...

They won't send down Willie. I'd rather have Maxwell at this point then Willie Harris. Maxwell is not putrid against lefties. He drew 2 walks today and may be better in center than Nyjer (certainly as of late).

But these are human beings not just statistical pawns. They're going to give Willie Harris every chance to come out of his slump. But it's hard to justify having three left handed waterbug outfielders on the same roster.

Mrs. Z. said...

Another Nats literary quote for you:
And somewhere kids are laughing, and somewhere couple snuggle,
But there is no joy in Natstown--Dunn's homer was ruled a double.

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