Morgan has appealed the suspension and remains in the Nationals' lineup tonight.
The incident occurred, according to MLB, in the middle of the ninth of Saturday's 8-1 victory over the Phillies when Morgan "intentionally" threw a ball into the stands and struck a fan. Morgan later caught the final out of the game on a fly ball from Jayson Werth, then turned and faked a throw toward the stands.
MLB vice president of on-field operations Bob Watson handed down the punishment today.
... they must have been some serious 'inappropriate actions' to warrant such a lengthy suspension, IMNSHO.
Go Nats!
Isn't tossing a ball to the fans a common practice? I'm sure striking the fan wasn't intentional at any rate.
I remember seeing him on MASN turn around to throw the ball into the stands. As I remember it, it looked like he started to jog in, then turned around to toss it up. I thought he was just throwing to a fan as lost of players typically do. I remember it as a tight shot though, so I was not able to see where the ball was going. His hesitation and the fact he turned around to throw it back in the stands must have been odd because I can remember it now. Still, I don't remember seeing anything malicious in the camera shot.
Of course, my memory could be completely wrong on this. I'm not sure enough to swear to it.
... but oh yeah; I forgot; this was Philadelphia, where even God would get sued if she rained on someone's head.
Go Nats, some more!
Since when is hitting a Philthies fan an offense???
Did this really happen? Bob Carpenter can't recall it?
hey ya bunch of bugs ya call your self nats dont ya ...well videos tell all
Given the accuracy of Morgan's arm, I can guarantee you Morgan's toss never came anywhere close to the fan he was aiming at.
Of course this happens in Philadelphia, where the fans should be suspended for seven games. I hope he wins. There's no way he intended to harm anyone.
SBCITPFM, hilarious and true on your comment but how do they know he intentionally tried to throw a ball at someone?
Just like when Zim was thrown out of the game for,,,,,what?
MLB is getting ridiculous!
I have said it for going on 5 months....Something is wrong with Morgan's head. He is not the same player. He needs help. His focus and attitude and decision making is like he has some kind of personal or mental problem. The longer the team is in denial about this the worse it is for Morgan and the Team.
Kilgore has a much more detailed and disturbing report on NJ.
I didn't see any words of censure from Major League Baseball to the hords of obnoxious Phillies fans that came to Nats opening day this year with the intent of ruining it for Washington fans. What a hypocritical crock of Pfitz the League management is, starting with Selig and Watson.
Nyjer couldn't hurt someone with a throw if they were 10' away from him. Bud Selig can't retire fast enough.
Zimmerman was complaining about balls and strikes. And fan control is not an MLB issue. Take it up with your team and its stadium management staff.
Morgan has been childish all season. So why the surprise that he did something childish in Philly?
Free Nyjer Morgan
to HELL with Filthydelphia
Sat in the LCF stands--must have been in 2008--one night when the Nats were playing the Pirates. Nyjer spent the game engaged in a running commentary with the Nats' fans behind him. Got the mild-mannered/comatose (you choose the adjective) Nats' fans plenty riled up. I guess that's Nyjer's shtick but it's easy, unfortunately, to imagine how a similar confrontation with those Phils' fans could get out of hand. Don't know what kind of evidence MLB has but everybody in baseball has in the back of their mind Nyjer's outfield meltdown earlier this year. Rizzo of course will support his man publicly, at least until the appeal has been decided, but how many warning signals does he need?
Shudder to think of what our OF will look like once the suspension kicks in. It will be ugly any way you slice it but I fear Rigs will make it worse by starting Maxwell in CF.
MLB ought start putting glass between the stands and the players, so Fillies phans don't get hurt
"Fan control" is not the issue. Irresponsible fan behavior is a concern of all leagues. The NBA suspended its players for going into the stands a few years ago but at least mentioned the responsibility of fans to act like civil human beings.
Richard, good point. The Philthy fans can be brutal. Yes, it is probably a small minority of fans but still, there are many there to cause trouble. They get off on harassing visiting fans and the visiting players.
Does this excuse Nyjer if he really did what he is accused of doing? No. JayB describes Nyjer perfectly.
Hope this doesn't mean we will see more of Justin Maxwell................say it ain't so!
HA HA!!!
Thank you Nyjer for doing something all Nats fans want to do:
Shut up the Philthies fans by hitting them on the head.
I'm actually proud of you Nyjer. I'm serious, THANK YOU!!!!
Am I the only one here that doesn't know what really happened or is it just a failure on my part to jump to unwarranted conclusions?
I'm guessing the latter, N. Cognito, 'cause it's the Internetz and all. (Disclaimer: I don't know what really happened, either.)
N. Cognito, my comments were neutral, how do they know he intentionally tried to throw a ball at someone?
I haven't seen any video. All I have heard so far is the fan's claim.
I agree with what you said so lets wait and see.
Morgan should be DFA'd immediately, throwing the ball into the stands with the intention of hurting someone because they are taunting you is completely unprofessional. Last year during the Cubs visit to Nats park, I heard Nyjer rip into a multi-inning explitive filled tirade directed at someone who simply commented "nice base running" after he had been picked off, Nyjer finished his assault on the fan in question two innings later with "I will F-ing kill you!" I should also note there were several small children between Nyjer and the fan.
Let's take out the trash and set an positive example from the team and what we want it to represent DFA NYJER NOW!!!!
My bro was in the OF stands for that game and even told me about stealing a ball thrown up there meant for Phillies fans.
Texted him to see if he knows what happened - stay tuned for breaking news updates!
Anonymous said...
"Morgan should be DFA'd immediately, throwing the ball into the stands with the intention of hurting someone because they are taunting you is completely unprofessional."
Credibility gone. Rest of post invalid. Go away.
Bravo nats fans, bravo - defending a dope that could have killed someone. Its called "attempted murder" and he should be hit with a lawsuit. What would you know, your team hasn't done a thing in its 5 years of existence! Strasburg will most likely get Tommy John but thats ok, you'll get the number one pick again to make up for it.
That's funny Anon 11:26. You Philthies fans get what you deserve. Finally! So stay away from Nats park or else. (chuckle, chuckle!)
And N Cognito is identifying you as what a douche who clevrly came up with a pseudonym for anonymous...you have no credibility as you contribute nothing to the conversation EVER you just criticize others.
Nyjer threatening fans and assaulting them is no laughing matter...I should add the the usher in this situation (who dances and sings occasionally...thank goodnes that has stopped recently) saw what was going on and laughed at the comment about threatening to kill a fan...he should be fired too!
new movie:
starring nyjer morgan
I love the moron who blames phillies fans for showing up to ruin gnats opening day....maybe if the DC people showed support for their team the phillies fans wouldnt have been able to get tickets. Loser.
On this thread:
Anonymous = Philthies fan = LOSER!!!!!
Boo hoo hoo....the mean phillies fans ruined our opening day. Go vote Marion Barry mayor again idiots.
@ natsone_va
No, not a Phillies fan, actually quite the opposite a HUGE nats fan, I guess you like players who disrespect the game by throwing tantrums, try to injure people in the stands, swear and threaten fans (in this case it was a Nats fan he was threatening!)
My guess is your favorite Nat was Elijah Dukes, in paticular you must have been fond of his domestic abuse skills!
Anonymous said...
"I love the moron who blames phillies fans for showing up to ruin gnats opening day....maybe if the DC people showed support for their team the phillies fans wouldnt have been able to get tickets. Loser."
I love the moron (above) who doesn't know what he's talking about yet can't resist pounding away at his keyboard to prove what a moron he is.
The Nats sold thousands of group tickets to Philly fans before single game tickets even went on sale. Many Nats fans got shut out of going to Opening Day.
The Nationals Journal site has a post up about a Phillies fan who was there and contacted the Post with an eyewitness account in which Nyjer comes off far better than he has in today's Internet coverage.
I couldn't care less about Philthie fans really. So to hell with them. A little controversy doesn't hurt. If Nyjer has issues with domestic abuse, that's one thing; but Philthie fans they get what they deserve.
@ natsone_va
You are a moron, no one deserves to be assaulted no matter what sport team then support. Again you ignore the fact that nyjer acts the same way towards Nats fans and his teammates.
The post that I mentioned above also now includes a number of comments from people who say they were there and who support that fan's contention that Morgan did not intentionally hit the fan. As noted there, if their accounts are accurate, I'd be interested to know what the MLB investigative process was before handing down the suspension (given that there does not seem to be any video due to its having occurred between innings). Did they interview eyewitnesses as well as the fan who was hit?
This is getting comical. You losers will do anything to defend your beloved Nat. Ask yourself, why was he suspended 7 games if the incident wasn't so egregious? Morgan is a ticking time bomb and it was only a matter of time before you he got what he deserved.
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