Thursday, March 15, 2012

Nats vs. Yankees - 3/15/12

US Presswire photo
The Yankees come to Space Coast Stadium this afternoon.
If Bryce Harper can't play for the New York Yankees, at the very least he wants to play against the New York Yankees. So the 19-year-old right fielder has to be a little pumped for today's game at Space Coast Stadium ... er, until he sees the Yankees' lineup.

To the surprise of no one who understands how spring training road games work, manager Joe Girardi is bringing a skeleton crew across the state to Viera. Brett Gardner and Russell Martin are in the lineup, but that's about it for regulars. Newly acquired flamethrower Michael Pineda (who faced the Nats last year while with the Mariners) is on the mound.

Speaking of reunions, former Yankee 19-game winner Chien-Ming Wang starts for the Nationals, the latest test of the right-hander's shoulder and stamina. John Lannan, trying to force his way back into the Opening Day rotation, will pitch out of the bullpen today.

Yes, there's plenty of college hoops on the tube this afternoon, but we've also baseball with Bob and F.P. on TV and Charlie and Dave on the radio. If you haven't called in sick yet, better hurry up...

Where: Space Coast Stadium, Viera
Gametime: 1:05 p.m.
TV: MASN,, MLB Network (blacked out in D.C. area)
Radio: WFED (1500 AM), WHFS (1580 AM), MLB Gameday Audio
Weather: Partly cloudy, 76 degrees, Wind 14 mph LF to RF
LF Roger Bernadina
2B Danny Espinosa
3B Ryan Zimmerman
1B Chad Tracy
DH Adam LaRoche
CF Jayson Werth
RF Bryce Harper
SS Steve Lombardozzi
C Jhonatan Solano
(P Chien-Ming Wang)

LF Brett Gardner
C Russell Martin
DH Andruw Jones
RF Chris Dickerson
3B Bill Hall
CF Dewayne Wise
2B Jayson Nix
1B Jorge Vazquez
SS Ramiro Pena
(P Michael Pineda)


Feel Wood said...

MASN's website indicates that they will also be rebroadcasting the game tonight at 7:00.

Grandstander said...

Also in the lineup, Jayson Nix, younger brother of Laynce Nix

Tcostant said...

Is Chris Dickerson really hitting cleanup for the Yankees? To funny...

Manassas Nats Fan said...

When is 106.7 going to act like a flagship station of the Nationals, and not just be called it?

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Srsly, do they actually call themselves the flagship station of the Nationals?

NatsFanTom said...

@Manassas - The day Chad Dukes is run out of town on a rail. In other words, not anytime soon.

natsfan1a said...

Wait, college kids are using hula hoops on tv? Heck, even I can do that, and it's not really tv-worthy. What? Oh. Never mind. Anyways, I'll be watching baseball. :-)

Cwj said...

Read through last night's game thread.
Glad no one here is panicking about Strasburg.
Halladay and Lincecum and Hellickson are all getting knocked around this spring.

The important thing is Stras' velocity is right where it should be. He's just throwing too many fastballs. Not sure why McCatty wants him to throw even more fastballs, unless its just for spring training. His change up is his true out pitch.
Anyway he'll be fine.
Curious to see Wang pitch today.

Anonymous said...

Cwj: you're right about him throwing too many fastballs. I was at the game last night and only threw a handful of curveballs. Don't know why but that's the reason he got hit hard. The Braves were just looking for that fastball.


A DC Wonk said...

CWJ wrote: The important thing is Stras' velocity is right where it should be. He's just throwing too many fastballs. Not sure why McCatty wants him to throw even more fastballs, unless its just for spring training.

Perhaps he wants the pitchers to ease into throwing curves and stuff similar to easing pitchers into throwing longer and longer?

I can also think of a great benefit to Stras' too many fastballs this spring: to teach Stras a lesson -- that he has to pitch and not just throw

One of the WaPo articles noted that Stras criticized himself for throwing instead of pitching, and that the home run to Uggla was a direct result of that. Stras said that he knew Uggla was waiting on a fastball, but he wanted to blow one by him anyway because he felt too competitive -- and Uggla slammed it.

Presuming that's all true -- that's a great lesson for a youngster to learn in ST.

MicheleS said...

Feel Wood.. I actually like the potty mouth (Lord knows I could make a sailor blush - just ask my boss when he makes me mad). It just confirms he has an edge about him. Which is why I made the comment about He is 19 and that I liked him on twitter.

ehay2k said...

Sigh - from Kilgore's post, verbatim: "Johnson wondered why shortstop Derek Johnson ducked the Nationals. “It’s probably just a half hour in his jet,” Johnson said. “A-Rod, too.” "

natsfan1a said...

Nice piece from Florida Today about the team's sports psychologist, who is throwing out the first pitch today.

natsfan1a said...

I thought that was funny about the jet. :-)

MicheleS said...

ehay2k.. That's funny! It's not like if Nats were going over to Tampa that RZ/Werth/LaRoche would go..

MicheleS said...

1A.. Thanks for the link from FL Today...

natsfan1a said...

You're welcome.

Re. the Yanks skeleton lineup today, at least they brought Laynce Nix's kid brother. :-)

Anonymous said...

The kid got off of "tweeter". He shaved. He doesn't have to impress Davey Johnson so have to assume he got the word that's what the clubhouse and the FO want to see out of rookie.

Still no XBH for Harper. His pattern is still pretty consistent. He starts off slow then gets really hot. He only has 18 or so games to get really hot. Otherwise the folks in Harrisburg/Syracuse get treated to some great baseball.

NatsLady said...

McCatty said a few days ago he wants Stas to throw more fastballs to build up his strength.

NatsLady said...

Er, Stras. Typing and being on hold with AT&T...

MicheleS said...

This has been posted before...but I just have too..

Crash Davis: Your shower shoes have fungus on them. You'll never make it to the bigs with fungus on your shower shoes. Think classy, you'll be classy. If you win 20 in the show, you can let the fungus grow back and the press'll think you're colorful. Until you win 20 in the show, however, it means you are a slob.

ehay2k said...

"Derek Johnson"? Seriously, Kilgore needs to proofread his copy.

NatsLady said...

Not to mention the two DH's in Kilgore's lineup.

1. Roger Bernadina, LF

2. Danny Espinosa, 2B

3. Ryan Zimmerman, 3B

4. Chad Tracy, 1B

5. Adam LaRoche, DH

6. Jayson Werth. DH

7. Bryce Harper, RF

8. Steve Lombardozzi, SS

9. Jhonatan Solano, C

-Chien-Ming Wang, SP

MicheleS said...

Cough, cough. Sniffle, on my way home

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

ehay2k said...
"Derek Johnson"? Seriously, Kilgore needs to proofread his copy.

But this is the Internet. It doesn't matter what you say, as long as you say it first, and have a strong opinion.

NatsLady said...

CMW - 3 good sinkers and a NICE curve.

natsfan1a said...

Often in error, never in doubt: official motto of Internetz commenting. You just gotta be convicted, like sec3 said.

Feel better, MicheleS. When you get home, you should probably relax on the couch and drink lots of fluids. ;-)

NatsLady said...

Guys swingin' nowhere near the ball. I like it.

natsfan1a said...

Oh, wait, you were talking about sports writing. Never mind. Generally speaking, say it first brings to mind Chipper's comments about the reporting of his "retirement" quotes the other day. Evidently the writer got the quotes from a third party and didn't try to confirm with Chipper before running with it. Perhaps Tweeter was involved? I don't know.

Of course, the journalistic approach of our humble blog host is stellar,imo.

natsfan1a said...

Dang, swinging and missing in the bottom of the inning as well.

MicheleS said...

FYI.. The game is not on 1500 AM. Only on 1580.

phil dunn said...

Feel sorry for the suckers who have to watch the Yankees third string, except for Pineda. The Nats should return the favor when they journey to the FL west coast to play the Yankees.

NatsLady said...

Whew, got out of that one. CMW putting new weapons in his arsenal. He's going for the long-term career. Bobby sounded real surprised, "Change-up!!"

natsfan1a said...

Me, I just like watching baseball, whether it's the A-team or not.

MicheleS said...

phil dunn.. at least they get to see most of our A Players..

How tall is Pineda? He lo0ks like a monster on the mound

natsfan1a said...

He's a big human, like FP said. On another note, liking DeRosa even more after this interview.

MicheleS said...


Natsochist said...

Is anyone else astonished that a SPRING TRAINING GAME is blacked out? Seriously, that seems a little absurd.

natsfan1a said...

Geez, that was scary.

NatsLady said...

oooh, ouch! CMW going to have some bruises tomorrow, but doesn't look like he's injured.

NatsLady said...

Natsochist, I saw some blackouts for other cities, seems very strange. I am on, no problem.

natsfan1a said...

Hope not.

Theophilus said...

The problem wasn't that Strasburg was throwing more fastballs. (And he should be, for stamina, at this point of ST.) It was that most of them weren't in the strike zone. High and outside on one pitch, low and inside on the next -- and it wasn't like he was trying to imitate Greg Maddux. He just couldn't find any of the corners.

For those concerned w/ JUGS nos., in the 5th he threw a 2-seamer at 92.

MicheleS said...

A lot of twitter activity from the reporters at the game basically saying.. "Cancel those trade John Lannan rumors"

LoveDaNats said...

What is the tv saying about Wang's injury?

UnkyD said...

Is it negative of me to wonder aloud, about Morse's lat? We've heard that he was cortisoned, right...? And that it's a dubious procesure, for a muscle strain (as opposed to joint pain)..... Have we heard why manner of pics have been taken? Some here seem to want access to all of the players records, in these cases, and get offended, at being kept in the dark... Not me. But I don't understand why ANY issue which doesn't seem to respond after a couple days of treatment doesn't warrant investigation, and why "We're gonna run a whole battery of soft tissue tests, just to be safe." would be such a bad thing to say. Particularly if we were accustomed to hearing it.... We're certainly not swimmIng in OFs with his slash line...

natsfan1a said...

Nothing from trainer so far. I will say I thought of our surplus of starters.

MicheleS said...

LoveDaNats.. Not much on TV. Showed it a couple of times. Bob and FP are basically saying that they hope CMW is okay

Section 222 said...

It thought it was blacked out on MLB Network, but being shown on MASN.

I've been trying to get Gameday Audio, but not having any luck.

natsfan1a said...

On replays, looked like he took a couple of missteps and maybe rolled his ankle.

natsfan1a said...

I'm watching MASN. Just clicked over to MLB Network and something else is on.

NatsLady said...

Lombo did not hustle for that one. Guy is fast.

Anonymous said...

I'd say they're treating CMW like a piece of fine China, but being that he's Korean, he might not take kindly to it ...

Anonymous said...

Whoops - he's Taiwanese (who knew!).

How does that impact my fine China comment - more or less likely for him to be irritated by it?

Section 222 said...

I wonder if MLB Network is sorry they picked the Nats-Yankees as the featured game today since the Yankees' regulars aren't playing. Or is Harper a big enough deal already?

Alan_A said...

Anon@ 1:56 - 1:58 - well, I'm irritated by it. That good enough for you?

You going for the ESPN Classy Moves by Commentators Award?

Give it a rest.

MicheleS said...

I do like that Stras has been talking more, it looks like he is at least TRYING to come out of his shell a little.

Sunderland said...

phil dunn said...
Feel sorry for the suckers who have to watch the Yankees third string, except for Pineda. The Nats should return the favor when they journey to the FL west coast to play the Yankees.

March 15, 2012 1:31 PM
Phil, the Nats will return the favor, because this is normal and accepted protocol for spring training games. Regulars plays home game and most do not travel to away games. We do it, Yankees do it, every team does it. We should be grateful that the Yankees even agree to make the 140 mile bus ride, 2.5 hours each way, just to play us in our home stadium. No way their regulars are spending 5 hours on a bus to play 4 innings. That's normal.

Section 215 Row A said...

The Yankee stars don't like the bus ride to Viera. I was at the game last year and the MANY Yankee fans at Space Coast Stadium were disappointed to see only Robinson Cano and a whole line-up of guys numbered 97.

natsfan1a said...

Yay, on the scoreboard!

MicheleS said...

Wow they gave Solano #23. Seems like a low number for him. I would have expected something in the 70s

Big Cat said...

Really like FP. Being an ex big leaguer he has valuable insight without crowing....if you know what I mean.

Sunderland said...

CMW left hamstring strain Carp reports

MicheleS said...

Booth just said. Left Hamstring Strain on CMW

Dawn said...

Listening online, hope CMW is okay, could hear the collective gasp through the airwaves.

Always have liked Durbin, goes back to when he was with Detroit. Wouldn't be surprised to see his dad commenting on here, he posted quite often on Detroit blogs. Nice family, nice kid.

Thought the unwritten rule was 3 starters position players) show up at road games. As usual the Yankees are the exception to the rule.

natsfan1a said...

Nice throw by Solano. Looked like the Yankee player hurt himself on the play.

JaneB said...

Glad to hear FP and Carp say ALR was ensuring the run, not suffering from ankle issues as he got caught in the run down.

I missed that Wang got injured..."collective gasp" doesn't sound good. Unless you are John Lannan.

natsfan1a said...

Whee, tie game!

sjm308 said...

MichelleS - I have the game on 1500am and MASN

Like FP showing us that Bobby V. speaks with forked tongue talking about the Jeter cut off play and how he was on the team and they did practice exactly that.

I plan to be in spring training next year but I enjoyed DeRosa's comments that ALL teams should train in Arizona. Its true that you can get to about 8 sites in under 45 minutes and I think the weather is a little more consistent as well. Since I will be flying anyway it doesn't matter to me whether its FLA or ARZ. I know we won't be moving by next year but my vote is ARZ.

Section 222 said...

So if Wang's injury is serious enough for him to go on the DL when the season starts, does that open a spot on the roster for Lannan -- or Matheus (with Detwiler moving into the rotation)?

MicheleS said...

sjm.. When i was driving home in the car, there was nothing on 1500, I got them on 1580

Theophilus said...

The Bobby V expose was on MLB Network a week-10 days ago. No one should be surprised. Thank God no one took it seriously when he was "under consideration" for the Nats job last summer. Karma for Red Sox Nation.

Theophilus said...

If I wasn't clear enuf, Valentine is a self-promoting narcissist w/ a Napoleon complex. Perfect complement for Red Sox fans.

natsfan1a said...

Boo for the RZ IBB! :-)

David said...

Intentionally walking Zimm in ST.. come on. That's just not fair!

Anonymous said...

This is why they need to hang on to Lannan. Wang's injury exposes the fragil state of pitching with the Nats. Strasburg is coming back from TJ surgery and will be finished by end of August. Zimmermann needs to prove he can make it through the whole season as well. Wasn't it last year someone said it takes 7 to 9 starting pitchers to get through a season.


TimDz said...

One can only imagine the comments that would get posted if Wang had a groin pull as opposed to a hamstring...

natsfan1a said...

Atta way, Johnny!

JaneB said...

Hurrah for Jayson.

gonatsgo said...

David - thought I heard on the radio - poor signal -- that zim got the it - in spring training? Seriously? That is just so yankee-like. Trying to catch up on the wang situation-frantically reading old posts, tweets and gameday.

gonatsgo said...

Sorry - not the it -- the intentional walk.... fumble fingers

natsfan1a said...

Yay, Nats lead!

natsfan1a said...

Yes, yes he did.

NatsLady said...

Off to work. See y'all. Keep this lead, go Nats.

natsfan1a said...

We'll try to hold 'em, NatsLady.

natsfan1a said...


natsfan1a said...

J-Max up.

Anonymous said...

Lannan is now sssssstrugglin'

gonatsgo said...

Why couldn't jmax do that when he was a nat?

natsfan1a said...

Double dang (or triple).

JaneB said...

Don't bite my head off, but I still like Jmax.

Cease the Opportunity said...

I was just milling over a new rule for MLB. You guys will get a kick out of it and get a real insight into my mind (like you would want insight into my mind, LOL). Please tell me what you think of it. What if they came up with a rule for a batter to steal 1ST base? A batter would be awarded first base if he was able to reach first base without being tagged out;i.e., 1ST base would have to be open. Except you couldn't steal 1ST on a called strike 3. Anyone?

JaneB said...

Cease, Like, in a wild pitch situation? I can't figure out any other way they could do it.

Cease the Opportunity said...

JaneB said...

No, not in that scenario. I mean, a runner just takes off at any count and tries to steal 1ST...

natsfan1a said...

That walkoff game was one of my fave in person games.

Don't bite my head off, but I still like Jmax.

Cease the Opportunity said...

JaneB said...

Cease, Like, in a wild pitch situation? I can't figure out any other way they could do it.

He could attempt to steal 1St if a runner is on 3RD. Then it could be interesting...

The Fox said...

Cease the Opportunity please stop drinking so heavily in the afternoon it's not good for your health ;-).

Cease the Opportunity said...


A DC Wonk said...

I see Lannan, like last year, is still having trouble getting out the seventh inning ;-)

natsfan1a said...

No worries, though, because Maya is warming up. heh.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Ummmm, yeah. Cease, don't ever tell anyone else you ever suggested that.

Sunderland said...

Cease, maybe the batter should also be allowed to steal third. Take off the wrong way down the basepath. That would work when there's a heavy shift on for a lefty like Dunn or that dude with the bad ankle what plays 1B for philly.

natsfan1a said...

So if someone hits a hot shot that scoots across the surface of the berm, is it a berm-burner?

MicheleS said...

At least we have the baby behind homeplate to entertain us.

natsfan1a said...

That is one cute baby. I wanted them to show the gal who made the nice play. Must have been out of camera range.

A DC Wonk said...

Hey, natsfan1a, your comment was only half on my screen, so all I saw was:

That is one cute baby. I wanted them to show the gal who made

I thought the next word was going to be "her" (or "him")

natsfan1a said...

That's funny, DC wonk!

It must be ex-Nat day, here's Mike O'Connor.

Cwj said...

O'Connor has such a weird delivery.
Ouch, Bernadina just drilled on the arm. Looked painful

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

So if someone hits a hot shot that scoots across the surface of the berm, is it a berm-burner?

Not only that, you see those folks putting on IcyHot out there? They're berm-balmers.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

That is one cute baby.

Yup, that's a born bermer, that one.

natsfan1a said...

On another note, the hot dog vendors out there are known as bun bermers.

Girardi does know that it's a ST game, right?

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Gerardi is changing pitchers with 2 outs in the bottom of the ninth of a spring training game, with a three run lead? I hope the next pitch lands on the berm.

natsfan1a said...

Then, if the Nats came back, it would be a berm bummer for Joe.

natsfan1a said...

Dang, that was a long game.

MicheleS said...

Girardi has always been wound a little tight.

MicheleS said...

That's why i hate watching Red Sox vs Yankees.. Those games take DAYS!

natsfan1a said...
Dang, that was a long game.

natsfan1a said...

That's one way to put it. :-) See y'all later, gotta get some stuff done.

natsfan1a said...

Evidently Joe West feels the same way, MicheleS.

realdealnats said...

So Sunderland...and Cease,

Maybe we let the batter try to steal 2B. And if he's caught running by the pitcher's mound we just arrest him. And clubs can have a limited number of get-out-of-jail-free cards per season. Players could end up on the PL not the DL--the prison list.

gonatsgo said...

I really hate the Yankees.....

natsfan1a said...

Me, too, gonatsgo.

natsfan1a said...

That's okay, we'll take a series from them as usual, when it counts. :-)

gonatsgo said...

I like the way you think!!!

natsfan1a said...


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