Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Nats vs. Tigers - 3/13/12

US Presswire photo
The Nationals host the Tigers tonight at Space Coast Stadium.
More and more good news on the injury front from Viera: Michael Morse emerged from his first game back from a lat strain feeling strong, so he's in the lineup again tonight serving as DH. And Bryce Harper's calf strain has improved enough to convince manager Davey Johnson to put the 19-year-old back in right field tomorrow night against the Braves.

In the meantime, plenty of regulars in the lineup tonight against Detroit, including Ian Desmond, Danny Espinosa, Ryan Zimmerman (who is absolutely raking at the plate right now), Morse, Jayson Werth and Wilson Ramos. Edwin Jackson becomes the first member of the rotation to make his third start.

And the best news of the day: This game is on TV. So sit back and enjoy some Grapefruit League action this evening, and enjoy the ongoing conversation here...

Where: Space Coast Stadium, Viera
Gametime: 6:05 p.m.
TV: MASN, MLB.tv, MLB Network (delayed at 1 a.m.)
Radio: None
Weather: Partly cloudy, 74 degrees, Wind 11 LF to RF
SS Ian Desmond
2B Danny Espinosa
3B Ryan Zimmerman
DH Michael Morse
1B Mark DeRosa
RF Jayson Werth
C Wilson Ramos
CF Brett Carroll
LF Jason Michaels
(P Edwin Jackson)

CF Austin Jackson
LF Andy Dirks
RF Clete Thomas
2B Ryan Raburn
SS Jhonny Peralta
3B Don Kelly
1B Ryan Strieby
C Gerald Laird
DH Eric Patterson
(P Duane Below)


Bozo said...

I wonder if Strieby has a chance to start at first base for the Tigers.

Feel Wood said...

According to their web page, MASN is showing this game live at 6 pm and rebroadcasting it at 9 pm.

NatsJack in Florida said...

A note on the pitching line up for the Nats for the next week. Steve M is correct in that a shuffling of the rotation needs to happen at some point.

First there is a scheduled off day next Tuesday and a split squad day scheduled for 29th. Those two dates plus the desire to see a guy or two scheduled to be starters in the minors throw for the big club will give Davey ample opportunity to adjust the rotation.

Anonymous said...

If Strieby can show a little hustle, he may have a chance. The starter they have now is purely station-to-station.

SCNatsFan said...

Now all I have to do is stay up til 1 AM

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

SCNatsFan, I bet you can pick up a used VCR pretty cheap nowadays. ; )

natsfan1a said...

Woohoo! Baseball on tv!!

MicheleS said...

Wow.. this is really the Tigers B squad. I am just glad we actually get to see this one! Woo Hoo!

Tcostant said...

From the Nationals new healthly choice menu:


MicheleS said...

I must have this Bobblehead. Hoping for the Eyeblack.

MicheleS said...

Starting a new campain:

FEED Det the Strasburger!

MicheleS said...

campaign... not campain.. where is the auto correct when I need it.

sjm308 said...


Not sure this is 100% accurate but I ran into a MASN employee at the gym who swears they try to keep everything exactly 50/50 between Nationals & O's. I did look at the ST schedule and there are the same number of games for each team broadcast. I am wondering if this group has specific examples of what MASN does. I watch Comcast because of the great job Kelli Johnson does with our boys so I could not give examples but I did let him know that the blog I read is continually harping on the unfair coverage biased toward Baltimore. Like I said earlier, he claims that in their production meetings they work very hard to make sure things are equal.

Feel Wood said...

sjm308, why are you addressing your MASN complaints to me? I merely reported that they showed the broadcast times on their web page. As for equality between Nationals and Orioles programming, I wouldn't know since I only watch MASN for games, not for their other stuff. But their staffing level for games is certainly not equal between O's and Nats. Nats broadcast team has only Bob and FP. O's broadcast team has Gary Thorne, Jim Palmer, Jim Hunter, the late Mike Flanagan until he died, and Amber Theoharis (presumably, since she still works at MASN and Debbi Taylor doesn't any more). For Nats Xtra there is Johnny, Ray, my brother Phil on occasion and Byron Kerr on occasion. O's Xtra has Tom Davis/Jim Hunter, Rick Dempsey, Dave Johnson, Roch Kubatko and Amber Theoharis, all pretty regularly. Clear advantage to the Orioles in numbers, and that's not even getting into the quality of the individual "personalities", which is also advantage Orioles, IMHO.

Rabbit said...

Gotta get people on base for Zimm!!!!

Steve M. said...

MicheleS said...
Starting a new campain:

FEED Det the Strasburger!

March 13, 2012 3:08 PM

Yes, please, many of them! In all seriousness, its not necessarily eating much more, it is building muscle mass through leg presses and squats like we discussed in Stammen's glutes and upper thighs.

I am probably so disenchanted with Detwiler because he is one of those guys that has been with the organization about 5 years and still hasn't come in to camp in the "best shape of his life" and I say that with all due respect using my 20/20 vision.

Stammen, JZim, Lannan, and Stras all added posterior girth. Its the Billy Wagner principle that you don't have to be a big guy as your strength and last bit of endurance actually comes from your lower body or else you tend to overthrow with your arm causing arm fatigue.

Detwiler will never last the rigors of 180 inning season until he builds body mass.

To Tcostant, there's no way the Nats release Lannan. Way too valuable and you are so wrong. There are 5 or 6 teams that desperately need LH starting pitching but I'm not even sure they trade Lannan unless they get good value back.

NatsLady said...

I live in a tiny apartment and I WANT THAT GARDEN GNOME! Not sure what Silver Kitty will think of it, though.

Tcostant said...

Steve M - I think your right, I think he'll be traded for the best offer. But the Nats in my option with not pick up any of his 2012 salary; so a deal will only happen if the Nats don't have to pay. If the only deals they fine are ones where they need to pay a peice of his salary; than I do think they would release him. I think it's a 5% chance.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Tconstant, I don't understand that logic. Why don't you think they'd pick up any of his salary in the right deal, or hang on to him in the alternative? It's not like they don't have the budget this year.

JayB said...

It is likely too much to ask for.......but will FP and Bob talk about the huge whole that IAN D creates in this roster.


This team is one or two moves short of challenging for the post season. All of season many of you said just wait till Feb. then March....well it will be next year soon....Past time really and Rizzo has failed again to pull the trigger on the moves he himself pointed out back tin Oct. 2011 that were key to this club making the next step.

A DC Wonk said...

My guess is that the Nats keep LannEn because they want six starters. Remember, Strass will get shut down in Sept. And you never know about an injury. So, keeping LannEn and Detw makes sense to me.

Cwj said...

Though it wont happen, I would much rather the Nats release Gorzelanny or Wang than Lannan.

It's really bizarre having 4 (including Detwiler) number 5 starting pitchers on the team.
The whole situation is strange to me.

I wish they weren't stuck with Wang. The only reason they signed him a couple years ago was because the pitching at that time was awful.
That's no longer the case.
Just a few of my thoughts :-)

Cwj said...

I don't understand why so many people think the Nats need a CF. What would you do with Morse, Harper and Werth?
The only time it would make sense is if LaRoche is gone and Morse moves back to first.

natsfan1a said...

Wait, he's your brother? I figured *you* were Phil Wood. :-)

Feel Wood said...

sjm308, why are you addressing your MASN complaints to me? I merely reported that they showed the broadcast times on their web page. As for equality between Nationals and Orioles programming, I wouldn't know since I only watch MASN for games, not for their other stuff. But their staffing level for games is certainly not equal between O's and Nats. Nats broadcast team has only Bob and FP. O's broadcast team has Gary Thorne, Jim Palmer, Jim Hunter, the late Mike Flanagan until he died, and Amber Theoharis (presumably, since she still works at MASN and Debbi Taylor doesn't any more). For Nats Xtra there is Johnny, Ray, my brother Phil on occasion and Byron Kerr on occasion. O's Xtra has Tom Davis/Jim Hunter, Rick Dempsey, Dave Johnson, Roch Kubatko and Amber Theoharis, all pretty regularly. Clear advantage to the Orioles in numbers, and that's not even getting into the quality of the individual "personalities", which is also advantage Orioles, IMHO.
March 13, 2012 3:33 PM

jd said...

The reason to flip Lannan is that most teams don't pay $5 mil for a 5th or 6th starter. If you feel that a pitcher won't be trusted with a post season start (The Nats won't trust Lannan with a post season start) then it's reasonable to use someone less expensive for that role.

JayB said...

Morse should be back at first, Harper in LF and Werth in RF with a true MLB center fielder out there...Danny as SS and Mark D at 2nd Base...that is a team that will win in May once trades are made and Harper's FA is delayed by a month in Minor Leagues...Adam L.......does anyone really believe he is health and able to play a full season? Not me.

jd said...


newsflash; the Nats don't need anything to contend for a post season. You don't need 8 all stars to compete (Ask the Cards or the Giants). The last piece missing is Bryce Harper. When Harper is ready this is as good a team as any in the division.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

1a, there's also their sister, Feral Wood. I hear she's pretty wild, and they don't talk about her much.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Fifth starters almost never get used in a post-season anyway. The whole point to having three top guys is that you get to re-use them.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Not to mention, getting to the post-season in the first place is why you have as much pitching as you can get your hands on. The fifth starter won't get 30 starts, most likely, but those starts he does get all count. If CMW turns out to be the best 5th starter in the league this season, that's pretty impressive, and he's a bargain.

JaneB said...

Sofa said:
Fifth starters almost never get used in a post-season anyway.

Jane says:
So we will be using JZimm, Gio and EJax in October, because Stras will be shut down for the season. He will play the FOLLOWING October.

Can't wait for the BASEBALL ON TV! Woohoo!

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

JaneB, now you're cookin.

Cwj said...

I think Fukodome would have been a good signing this past winter.
And he could have been had for 1 million $.
He's not an elite outfielder, but he's better than a bench guy, gets on base and could have been very valuable for the Nats if Harper starts in AAA or LaRoche is injured and Morse moves to 1B.

Oh well, that didn't happen.

FS said...

Dirks is the name that has been thrown around by Tigers' fans as possible return for Lannan. Fellow insiders let us know how he is.

If you didn't know already, Bixler hit a walk-off 3 run home run against Phillies.

Steady Eddie said...

JayB, if you want DeRosa at second, you're not paying enough attention to ST. He dropped a totally routine DP ball (but got the runner at first so it didn't count as an error) that would have gotten Wang out, unscathed, of what ended up being a 2 run inning for the Mets last Saturday. Sure, it was just one play in ST and everyone makes errors sometimes. But he just didn't convey the comfort level at second that either Espi or Lombo have. And given the youth of our pitching staff and the psychological edge a solid defense will give a pitcher, the Nats should NOT regard DeRosa as a regular starter anywhere if they want to contend. He's fine as a general backup and one of Davey's hairy-chested bats off the bench.

Anonymous said...

Rizzo's off-season roster management for the rotation: big win!; for the pen: win!; for the bench: should be a win; but for the lineup: epic fail!

Leadoff and the two hole are looking to be woeful. Desmond's got no chance to improve his OBP by even 10% and Espi can't hit lefty at this point. Both guys are K machines.

David DeJeuss or Fukudome could have been had. Trade might have pulled Andres Torres. Freaking Juan Pierre -- they could have had that guy with any major league contract (as he took non guaranteed money from the Philles). They went after Cameron and Ankiel -- two guys hoping to hit 20 bombs and bat maybe .250 with a ton of Ks - nothing close to a top of the order guy.
Right now the Nats have no one to lead off and the 2 hole looks lousy too. Zim's gonna hit 30 HR's and bat .320 and knock in maybe 80 RBI as we miss the playoffs because we've got 2 guys who are likely to make more than their share of non-productive outs at 1 and 2.

Maybe Lannan gets moved for a MLB-ready guy who can bat at the top AND who fits the current roster for playing time, but that is going to be a tough get for Rizzo.

Lombo might be ready to play a lot, who knows, and maybe they can platoon Bernadina and DeRosa at 2 and bat Espi lower where his power is a plus and his OBP less of a negative as he plays SS; but that calls for Lombo being at least solidly better than Desi, for the Shark to hit well against RH and for DeRosa to have his swing back strong and healthy – none is a given.

I think that Rizzo's gotta make a move for someone who can bat 1 or 2 as the current options are not MLB caliber much less playoff caliber guys. This club is too good to have holes this big without management at least trying to fill the gaps with guys who have a more realistic chance to help the club win in the roles.

Anonymous said...

Nice rant, Anon! (and I liked Juan Pierre too, but what can you do)

Best 25 go North!!


bdrube said...

Why on earth would you want a 37-year-old coming off of two injured seasons as your second baseman? Better to have Lombo there even if he hits .180. We've got a young pitching staff and an organizational philosophy that wants them inducing as many ground balls as possible. Infield defense is absolutely critical.

MicheleS said...

Prepping for the game: Sushi, Glass of wine, and RZ Green Shersey (we are close to St Pats Day). Getting in the best shape of my life (for sitting and watching games). Remember it's a Marathon, Not a Sprint and you must pace yourself!


MicheleS said...

I want to go down to Spring Training and hang out with those people that were tailgaiting.

Look 1A.. the OWL

Anonymous said...

I am thinking DeRosa gets most of his PT in RF until Harper gets his shot and that he'll find his way in at 1B against tough lefties too. I'd love to see Lombo play 2B and have them shift Espi to SS, but the club STILL somehow, amazingly, defying all logic, believes in Desmond. I beleive that Ian should go north with the team from Viera and keep going north until he gets to Cuse -- he's just not ready for prime time and he's not getting better.

Ian is the weakest link and they should vote him off the island or not hand him a red rose he should get slimed or whatever it takes to not have him on my TV when I watch Nats games all summer long pulling for the club to make the playoffs.

MicheleS said...

Heyman has a quote on Harper Kid seems realistic about his chances

Sunderland said...

Jason Michaels, ouch.

Anonymous said...

Of course, one of the few televised games, and we still can't see LaRoche, we just have to take their word that he's back.

MicheleS said...

Ian's going to here about that, but at least he got a hit

Grandstander said...

Replay! That was a dinger.

MicheleS said...

Anon 6:15. looks like LaRoche will be at the Game tomorrow night on MLB Network

Steady Eddie said...

And just as we all (not without reason) dump on Desi, he leads off with a double.

Guess we can all pray Davey can get him his late-season swing back?

Cwj said...

Desmond thought he had a homer, so he doesn't hustle down to second and barely gets there with a double.
Come on Desi, you're not good enough to assume you hit a home run.

MicheleS said...

Steady Eddie, FP mentioned that he changed his stance again in the last few days.. I think he got the message from Davey.

Anonymous said...

XD The Nats need a rally squirrel.

MicheleS said...

I know,I know.. I am a total softy, I love hearing Carp and FP

NatsJack in Florida said...

James Carville sitting behind Rizzo by the Nats dugout. Maybe they'll invite him up to the booth for some commentary.

JaneB said...

Fun celebrity sighting, NatsJack! There will be a lot more of that now.

Unkyd, you catching how even when our guy hits a lead-off double, he gets no love here? Man.

And it's even warm here, as in NOT Florida! Ah, BASEBALL.

MicheleS said...

That was a sweet DP by RZ.. I think the throwing problems are fixed.

natsfan1a said...

Sorry I'm late, but was trying to make and eat dinner along with watching the game. I can multitask okay, but adding in commenting would have been a stretch. The owl looks to be in midseason form. Michaels, not so much.

Anonymous said...

Did Danny just hit a car with a foul ball?

Dave said...


I just got around to rewinding and looking again, and I think you are right. That sure looked like a homerun for Desi to me (that must have rolled back under the front fence). Did anyone else get a better view?

natsfan1a said...

It looked like it to me as well, Dave and GS.

JaneB said...

I thought the same thing about the hit car, Anon at 6:57.

c'mon Buffalo! Bring these guys home!

LoveDaNats said...

I'm at the game. The hit car is a sound effect when the foul leaves the stadium.

Anonymous said...

Oh ok, thanks, LoveDaNats. That was confusing me.

MicheleS said...

Okay, I have to comment, Dad with 2 kids over the 3B dugout. Dad has Cardinals shirt on, Baby with WV hat, Small child has Rays shirt and a Phillies hat. And Dad is drinking a bud. That is one messed up family

JaneB said...

Thanks LoveDa.
PS I'm jealous.

natsfan1a said...

LOL, I was noticing that, too, MicheleS. What's up with that?

natsfan1a said...

Maybe they borrowed the sound effect from the P-Nats.

natsfan1a said...

Got Wilk?

JaneB said...

MichelleS, My daughter once did a school project on families and society They talked about what make a mixed marriage and how hard it can be. Her contribution: a marriage between an AL person and a NL person. Hard. Or -- and this was her "I couldn't do this" point -- a Baseball Person and Not a Baseball Person.

And she was serious. Whatever else we did wrong with these kids, we got THAT right.

By the by, her boyfriend is becoming A Baseball Person.

Sunderland said...

MicheleS - I am so with you on that one. A Bud? Shame.

MicheleS said...

Well, It's not like he can take the kids to LF for the Tiki bar/World Of Beer to get a better one. And oddly, No Wife around to help out. She must not be a baseball person..

JaneB.. raising the kids right...Good to see the daughter is making a convert.. I am working on Nephew II and seeing if I can make him a Baseball fan (bribes/food) since Nephew I can't seem to stay of Double Secret Probation.

JaneB said...

Who is the guy next to Pat Corrales?

Steady Eddie said...

To add yo LoveDaNats report -- there are no cars parked anywhere near Space Coast Stadium.

Totally unlike Hagerstown.

natsfan1a said...

Trent Jewett?

Mom either went on a beer run or to the team store to get Nats gear for the collection.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Jane, you mean on his left, with the shades on the back of his head?

MicheleS said...

1A.. It's going to take more than Mom Spit to clean Drew Up.. he is definitely going for the "Wild Thing" Closer look

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

That was funny--Carp tried to get Storen to call a home run on a deep fly, and Drew just said, "But that's not out." while it was nearing the top of its arc, on the way to the warning track.

natsfan1a said...

Nieces/nephew not much into baseball. But I'm working on my sisters. Was interesting watching televised Giants playoff games with my two sisters and younger brother when we were all gathered during my older brother's final illness. Young brother follows AL baseball, baby sister sorta follows baseball, and other sister not so much.

Brian Wilson on deck with two outs and men on. There's a bit of feinting re. pinch-hitting for him. Brother and I are saying it's all for show. Sure enough, Wilson gets the at-bat so he can continue pitching next inning. But he swings and grounds out to end the inning. My baby sis: why didn't he just bunt? My brother and I explained about the two outs and all. My other sis: wow, they have some good-looking young men on this team. I like the tight uni pants. (Hey, we take the interest however we can get it.)

MicheleS said...

Instead of Tim Kurkjian impressions (BBTN), we now have Carp impressions from Drew

natsfan1a said...

MicheleS, our little boy is growing up. Or not. :-)

btw, good one on the owl-squirrel comment, mystery fan correspondent.

Anonymous said...

Alright, anyone for Storen calling the game from the bullpen, instead of FP?

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

That was funny, and Bob was working very hard to be a good sport about it. To his credit, he just did manage it, but I think Drew was a little worried he'd overdone it.

MicheleS said...

Anon 7:42..Nope we keep FP..(drew from the BP would be a great sideline reporter)

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

We need a name for the Rally Owl.

MicheleS said...

Sec 2.. HOOT!

natsfan1a said...

Drew's Bob C. sounded more like Harry Caray with a cold to me.

MicheleS said...

Sec 3.. Not Sec 2... UGH

Anonymous said...

Well, that was... embarrassing.

natsfan1a said...

That's just what I was thinking, MicheleS! Hoot.

I vote for keeping FP, too.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Ummmm. Not Hoot, please.

MicheleS said...

Det's too SMALL.. his pants are hanging off him!.. EAT! (or at least work out)

MicheleS said...


LoveDaNats said...

Anyone want me to tape shut "ice cold beer" man while I'm here?

natsfan1a said...

Aw, no. I like the beer guy.

JaneB said...

Trent Jewett -- Yes. Thanks! I hope Drew doesn't feel bad. It was kind of funny. ish.

What was the deal with the play Zimm made at second? That was the play -- the guy was farthest from the plate. What am I missing I know it must be basic because everyone was so shocked.

MicheleS said...

Love Da.. send a beer over to the Dad behind 3B or send one to James Carville.

natsfan1a said...

Archimedes, then.

Don said...

There's the Detwiler we know and love. I know ST is for working out the kinks, I just hope we don't really regret a Lannan trade if it happens.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Hail to the beer man!

Hedwig? Hmmm. I can kinda see it, but it makes me think of "Hedwig and the Angry Inch," which may not be the mythology we're going for, there.

I was figuring "Who" is too obvious, but there's a baseball tie-in, at least. "I Don't Know" might work, but maybe that's just my counter-snarky Post-Modernism.

OH, wait, I KNOW: Prince.

HAL jr said...

Archimedes, maybe he can work some magic!

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

What was the deal with the play Zimm made at second? That was the play -- the guy was farthest from the plate. What am I missing I know it must be basic because everyone was so shocked.

1. That play's physically very, very hard to accomplish if you're planning on it, nevermind ad libbing, for an athlete, nevermind a normal person.
B. the field awareness to be able to know, running toward home and therefore not facing second, that he had a play, is high-level stuff.

Then there's that throw. Did he get lucky, or did he purposely throw that big hook out to second? That ball started out heading nowhere NEAR second.

MicheleS said...

FOF sighting!

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

First-pitch Fastball, meet Mr. Werth.

Anonymous said...


Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Zim is discussing it, that's a set play for them. Cool.

Anonymous said...

How about Nike, for victory?

Anonymous said...

(for the name of the owl, that is)

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Not bad, but they'd sue your tailfeathers off.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Now, if they could get an actual bald eagle to nest up there...

MicheleS said...

Nike.. maybe we can get him sponsored!

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Of course, they might be able to get a bald eagle nest at Nats Park. That would be cool.

Anonymous said...

Of course, Screech would then be insanely jealous.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

How about "Thurston"? Thurston Owl III?

Anonymous said...


MIcheleS said...

That was a nasty slider

MicheleS said...

Anyone getting the feeling that they are piling on the former manager

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Oh! Ryan?

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

I hadn't noticed that, Michele.

MicheleS said...

Awwww...Look they are showing dad...

Anonymous said...

Now where is that Rally Owl when we need it...

MicheleS said...

Trent Jewitt is the 1B Coach..

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

trying again:

OK, actually, there IS something a baserunner on third can do on a popup the third baseman drops in short left with the bases loaded and no outs. There was no one covering third (pitcher is backing up home there), so he did not have to be near the bag, and that might have made the difference there.

JaneB said...


natsfan1a said...

Husband wanted to watch something else but I did see the Werth dinger. (Clicked back while he was upstairs, hehe.)

On the owl, I liked Archimedes for the magic but Nike could work for the victory.

JaneB said...

My husband wanted to watch something else, too.

Which is why he is in the basement.

natsfan1a said...

Yay for Clip on the mound!

JaneB said...

Thank you, Sofa, for the explanation. And for the Owl name I like most: Who.

UnkyD said...

Checking in... Little plumbing issue...under control...

You clowns are freaking hilarious!!! Everything except "Thurston", that is... Somebody needs to put that one out of our misery... SeeYa!!

natsfan1a said...

We're both in the basement. Just one tv. So lame and 20th century, I know. But it's still tuned to the Nats for the moment. :-)

natsfan1a said...

I thought Thurston was funny, but then I would. :-)

natsfan1a said...

Good luck with the plumbing issue, Unk.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

LOL, Unkyd. and ummm, TMI, I think.

Can someone explain the Archimedes = magic connection? Is that a Harry Potter reference?

JaneB said...

There were so many ways that run didn't have to happen!

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Did someone say this Dirks guy is available?

natsfan1a said...

Merlin, I don't do Harry Potter.

natsfan1a said...

Yeah, I think they might have a pill for that, Unk. Oh, no, I didn't.

JaneB said...

Sending good vibes to your, ummm, plumbing, Unkyd.

One of my favorite baseball things: when the pitcher is moving off the mound before the ump calls it. Or before the catch happens. Livan was the king of that. But Clip has it down, too.

MicheleS said...

Sec 3.. Hedwig was the Harry Potter reference...not sure about Archimedes - Math guy?

TV's: Birthday Present was a 55 inch HDTV.. Got to say I love MASN HD.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Wait a minute...what the heck was I thinking?

The owl's name is Jake. How could you let me miss that, 1a??

JaneB said...

Where will we all be watching the Nats beat the Cubs on April 5? I want a plan. I even volunteer my house in MD but it is out near Olney. I want A Plan.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

I know the historical figure Archimedes. Bathtub guy. Maybe the best engineer who ever lived. But that's pretty much the opposite of magic.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Jane, I think we've settled (some of us, anyhow) on Duffy's.

Chad Tracy's at bat music is Low Rider, from War. I like this guy already.

MicheleS said...

Umm.. why Jake?

Also, Jane, there is a Nats Watching Party at Duffy's? Sec 3, correct me if I am wrong.

Sadly, I will be working that day, but Cough Cough, Sniffle, I will be doing the work at home in front of the TV.

natsfan1a said...

Eureka and all that. April 5 is Duffy's.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Let's try that link again:
Duffy's in DC, near the 930 Club, on the Green Line.

JaneB said...

Got it! Thanks! Duffy's it is.

MichelleS, I am sorry in advance for your illness.

JaneB said...

I am rooting for Blanco.

JaneB said...

He is this year's Brian Bixler, for me.

ANd I love the no capcha, I have to say.

natsfan1a said...

Ah, Jake, as in Elroy (the rally possum)'s brother?

Also, I think we may be even on the cokes now.

Cwj said...

Sec 3- Good point you made at 8:40.

I was scouring my mind for something the runner at 3rd could have done, and as usual came up with nothing :-)

On the other hand, you definitely don't want to turn 1 out into 2 (if the ball had been caught and the runner was doubled off of 3rd.)
Best to err on the side of caution, I think.

natsfan1a said...

I kinda like DeRosa. I really have to stop falling in love with the utility players, though. :-)

JaneB said...

I am totally a utility guy person. It's why I love Jamey Carroll so much...I know you, too, are partial to him.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Michele et al., re: Jake.

Long long ago, in a blog somewhere else, when the Nats were classically bad, several of us decided we needed a rally animal. Monkeys were already taken, and given the state of the franchise at the time, we figured it should be an "anti-monkey" animal. Possums are native to this area up here, and they play dead, which the Nats offense did frequently. So, enter Elwood, the Rally Possum. The idea was that the fans would have to cheer loud enough to "WAKE UP, ELWOOD!!!" to wake up the Nats' offense. Elwood was partly in honor of Elwood Blues, the John Belushi character in Blues Brothers, and thus the owl would be Jake, for Jake Blues, the Dan Akroyd role. But since Elwood, being a mascot like Screech, was well over six feet tall, but no one ever saw him, we later realized he was also a pooka, like Harvey, the rabbit in the Jimmy Stewart movie of the same name.

We had a LOT of time on our hands in those days.

Cwj said...

A couple thoughts on team broadcasters.
I really like Bob and FP.
I've been watching a bunch of other teams play on MLB network, and some of them are absolutely horrible.

natsfan1a said...

Elwood, dang. I hate when people get the names wrong.

JaneB said...

Thank you for the history lesson, Sofa. It cracked me up. I was missing so much, back in those days when my stomach was turning in the seventh inning EVERY NIGHT with only my husband to share my pain.

natsfan1a said...

Definitely partial to Jamey.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Cwj, thanks. The point was that NO ONE was covering third, so he could not possibly be doubled off. He should be as far from third as the closest defender, more or less, and on that play, no one was close.

natsfan1a said...

Also, Elwood was on a mission from G*d.

natsfan1a said...

Worst. Commercial. Ever.

MicheleS said...

Jake's Theme music could be "Soul Man" .. Because the Nats "Are on a mission from God". Who would be the Penguin? Mark Lerner?

MicheleS said...

1A.. I owe you a coke :-)

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

The Penguin would be Scott Boras. Or Mike Rizzo.

natsfan1a said...

I think it may have cancelled out one I owed you, Michele. :-)

JaneB said...

We are running out of time. It may be ST, but I still want to win.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Good call, NatsNut! Yes, that was in the Days of the Blogfather. There was a possum in the press box, sort like the racoon in the stands.

natsfan1a said...

There was a raccoon in the press box, wasn't there? And a crane on the field?

MicheleS said...

Sec3.. Rizzo definitely the penguin. Boras would be the property tax guy trying to foreclose the Penguin.

JaneB said...

G'nite Imaginary Friends. Thanks for the fun. And the history lessons.

I hope no one gets cut tonight.

MicheleS said...

Just a comment for Mark Z..

Did the 200 post thing ever get fixed, because it's spring training and we are already in mid season form (over 170 + posts)

gonatsgo said...

Just got home and was about to be bummed at missing the whole game and --- they are replaying it!!!! I take back every mean thing I ever said about masn - well, maybe not everything.

MicheleS said...

Good Night Gracie!

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

gonatsgo, wait'll you see the big comeback at the end!!

That was mean, wasn't it?

Cwj said...

Jane- Not me, so much.
I have a hard time getting my brain to care about ST scores and W-L. And I've definitely tried! :-)

Had this been an actual game, I would be pretty frustrated right now.

natsfan1a said...

Eh, we'll get 'em tomorrow.

Just watched the start again and saw an owlet in the nest, awww...

natsfan1a said...

We'll try to pace ourselves on the comments, it being a marathon and all.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

You gotta post 'em one game at a time, 1a.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Elwood was back in 2008, or thereabouts. I think he was given his unconditional release after the season, and was last seen leaving rehab. Sad story.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

Just replayed Desmond's double, and it did hit a few feet below the top, good call. Crushed, though.

natsfan1a said...

I think Elwood tried to make a comeback in 2010. Got a ST invite and showed up in the best shape of his life. Turned out he just didn't have it anymore. Sad, really.

natsfan1a said...

In other news, evidently the raccoon or its relatives are back.

Gardner said...

Just caught the game - that gun they have working at Space Coast has got to be 4-6 mph slow.

natsfan1a said...

They mentioned it was slow during the Strasburg start that was televised a while back.

Gonat said...

Reporting that Michael Morse was scratched already from tomorrow's lineup. Anyone hear any reasons why?

gonatsgo said...

Sec 3 - that's just low. I did check the box score and it might just be worth staying up to see Jayson Werth hit a home run. I already noted that RZ is in mid-season form.I hope he hits a bucket of balls right out of Citizen's Bank Park. Oh , and maybe out of that LasVegas brothel-looking stadium in Miami, too.

Soul Possession, PFB Sofa said...

actually, gonatsgo, there was still some nice D and a good inning from Lidge worth watching. Clippard was a little uneven.

gonatsgo said...

Got the DVR going - just didn't want to wait to see some live baseball. I don't think I have seen Lidge play in a Nats uni yet.

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