Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Werth misses workout with back spasms

US Presswire photo
Jayson Werth was held out of today's session for precautionary reasons.
VIERA, Fla. -- Jayson Werth was sidelined for this morning's workout, held out for precautionary reasons due to back spasms.

Manager Davey Johnson wasn't overly concerned about what appears to be a minor tweak to his starting right fielder.

"I'm not worried," Johnson said. "There's plenty of time."

Werth may not be in the lineup for either of the Nationals' first two exhibition games later this week (Friday against Georgetown University, Saturday at the Astros) but Johnson already wasn't planning to use most of his regulars in either game.

He'll probably make his game debut Sunday at home against Houston, though the Nationals will be cautious with their $126 million right fielder.

"It's something I'm not taking any chances with," Johnson said. "I know he worked out a lot in D.C. (over the winter), hit and worked out. So I'm not worried about him."

Werth was one of four Nationals (along with Michael Morse, Drew Storen and Tyler Clippard) who attended last night's Daytona 500 and watched up close from the pits.


Feel Wood said...

I think I'd get back spasms too if I had to run a comb through that mane every day.

Anonymous said...

Werth was one of four Nationals (along with Michael Morse, Drew Storen and Tyler Clippard) who attended last night's Daytona 500 and watched up close from the pits.

Ah, I see. "Back spasms" is what they call a mental health day in the show.

MicheleS said...

He probably tweeked his back when he was running from that fireball last night (didn't want to singe the beard)

natsfan1a said...

Not to mention combing the beard.

Feel Wood said...

I think I'd get back spasms too if I had to run a comb through that mane every day.
February 28, 2012 2:15 PM

Les in NC said...

I think Anon got this right...

"mental health" being hangover in case you missed it.....

dcvelobrew said...

Not to mention that it looks like Jayson has not yet introduced either his hair or his beard to a comb...

MicheleS said...

Maybee..he logged onto this blog, and started to play the Drinking/Bon Bon games with us?

Best 25 Go North! Best Shape of his Life! It's A marathon, not a sprint!

natsfan1a said...

Woohoo! {hic}

Tim said...

Y'all sound like Phillies fans the way you hate one of your own players. Relax folks. I understand Winter has gotten on your nerves but Spring is in the air and it's a long season. Chill.

MicheleS said...


You think this is hating? This is giving one of our own a little ribbing...

You want to see hate, wait for a post on Lannan or Desimond. That's when the blow torches come out

Cease the Opportunity said...

I'd trade Lannan and Desmond together for a ham sandwich...

baseballswami said...

Jayson's beard has gotten pretty epic - at least he hasn't made it an unnatural color yet. Storen is sporting some pretty long locks also. For this squeaky clean club house this seems to be the extent of the expressions of individuality - unless your first name is Bryce and you are 19, of course. Even Ramos' tatoo is religious in nature. Then we have the boy scouts - the Zimmermen(n). Not exactly a wild and crazy bunch of guys. I think Rizzo intentionally goes for low -key guys. As a fan I do think they guys are interesting for the most part and I would not want some of the drama that other teams seem to have and that we used to have. (See-- Dukes, Elijah)

Tcostant said...

Heard from Thom Lovervo on 980: Werth is so hairy right now, if you showed a pic of Werth to 30 people right now; they could id him as the RFF for the Nationals or a guy on Rockville Pike with a sign looking for money.


SacTown said...

Furry February at its finest, ladies and gentlemen.

Do you think he'll reduce it for Mustache March? He could have a wicked handlebar with what's there already.

UnkyD said...

"Best 25 Go North! Best Shape of his Life! It's A marathon, not a sprint!"
Gulpgulpgulp.... BANGBANGBANG!!!!!


Section 215 Row A said...

MicheleS...as usual, you hit it on the sweet spot. Although the gang leader, JayB, has been quiet as of late....

Anonymous said...

MicheleS...as usual, you hit it on the sweet spot. Although the gang leader, JayB, has been quiet as of late...

The jury is still out on Desmond ... although reading Kilgore's post on Rendon it sure seems like he is a keeper. Someone has to go Michelle and Desmond could end up as a utility guy in the end if his offense doesn't pick up. That shouldn't be a problem with Rendon. Jury is still partialy out on Espinosa as well ...

As for Lannan its not hate. Its reading stats and watching the guy up close. He's had as much time as Zim and is about the same age. WHO DO YOU THINK has improved in that time? Became a key, clutch player? Zimmerman or Lannan?

Lannan's pitching is what almost brought Buehrle to this team, did bring Gio and EJax. If he was as good as you and everyone seem to think he would definitely be the #3 starter. Because he actually throws harder than Buehrle and for that matter Tommy Milone. But both of those pitchers are better ... that's just the way it is.

Bozo said...

And this is what the Nats got for $ 120 million- the Samson who hit .232.

UnkyD said...

Man... I wonder if I've EVER seen Loverro's name spelled correctly, here.....

Feel Wood said...

Lannan's pitching is what almost brought Buehrle to this team, did bring Gio and EJax. If he was as good as you and everyone seem to think he would definitely be the #3 starter.

Lannan doesn't need to be good enough to be a #3 starter. He just needs to be good enough to be a #5 starter. And he is.

Anonymous said...

I always spell Loadverro's name correctly. Here, there and everywhere. Because he's a load, plain and simple.

Anonymous said...

Lannan doesn't need to be good enough to be a #3 starter. He just needs to be good enough to be a #5 starter. And he is.

That's a matter of opinion. In this mix I'd say he is good enough for #8 in the Syracuse rotation with Yunesky Maya.

NatsJack in Florida said...

Lannan would be a 3 on several teams and is much more than a capable 5.

natsfan1a said...

What she said.

MicheleS said...


You think this is hating? This is giving one of our own a little ribbing...

NatsJack in Florida said...

Re Lannan: and don't take my word for it. Just ask Davey, McCatty, Rizzo or Clark. I'll take their opinion over anyone on this or any other blog.

TimDz said...

Maybe Jason needed the day off so he could audition for that "Grizzly Adams" Remake...

(I'm guessing only about half get that reference...)

NatsJack in Florida said...

It may be less than half.

DFL said...

Lannan would be a number one starter for the Orioles.

Traveler8 said...

I'm part of the half that gets the Grizzly Adams reference, but I am thinking, what a waste of brain space!

DWS said...

Let the games begin. Getting to the point when fans are eating their own.

Thanks again for your efforts Mark, If not for you there would be serious leg gnawing going on.

NatsLady said...

So Zim and Werth can do the Geico caveman commercial all in-house?

natsfan1a said...

I'm in the Grizzly Adams cohort, too.

I'm not gnawing my leg off, but I'm not making any promises about consumption of bon-bons, either.

SFNats said...

With that 2-hour delay during the race last night, Werth had a lot of extra time to drink beer...errr....get treatment for his back.

realdealnats said...

Maybe it is a hangover, but back spasms is not what I want to read for this year's center fielder. Especially with a questionable shoulder at 1B. Maybe Bryce WILL go north when ST breaks.

Anonymous said...

If The Caveman would shave off that ugly beard, it would put less pressure on his back.

waddu eye no said...

hair and beard hate? jeez. what's an aging hippie to think? (and yes, some of us still can)

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