"I'm not going to tell you what we said, but yeah, he's definitely on board," Riggleman said before Friday night's game against the Padres. "It was just a really good conversation. He had some ideas. I had some ideas. I think it was a very good conversation."
Werth's comments following Wednesday's loss in Milwaukee caused something of a stir back in Washington, gaining steam during the club's day off Thursday.
"I've got some ideas obviously, and some thoughts, none I really want to share with the world," the right fielder told reporters in Milwaukee. "I think it's pretty obvious what's going on around here."
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Jason Werth was not out of line, as suggested by the Post's Jason Reid in this morning's paper. Reid came across as not knowing his butt from a hole the ground when it comes to baseball. Werth wants to win. The losing needs to change. What's the problem?
I meant to say that Reid didn't know his butt from a hole in the ground.
As transcribed, the only possible translation of what Werth said was "I have some ideas on how we can get better, and I'll share them with the appropriate people in the clubhouse." When asked to elaborate, he basically said "No comment." Absolutely nothing wrong with that at all. Jason Reid - who clearly wasn't even there to hear Werth's comments - is doing nothing more than creating a tempest in a teapot in order to sell papers.
Werth has a seven year deal. It's quite likely that before his deal is over both Jason Reid and his employer the Washington Post will be history in this town.
Reid's column in the Post was one of the worst I have ever read...and considering I have read hundreds of Wilbon columns, that is really saying something.
Ha Ha -- amazing the nerve some folks have.
Hey, Werthless, look in the mirror. Yes, the problem is obvious. In your case, it's you; you're hitting .250 dude.
What a waste of good money.
To MikeD - Hey Pollyanna -- Reid was spot friggin on. And if you didnt like Wilbon and his articles, truly you ain't no sports guy. Or maybe you dont like black writers.
To Joe Seamhead: Too bad you dont understand how things work, or human nature either.
As Reid intelligently pointed out, Werth was paid a King's ransom not only to produce, but to be a team leader on the field and in the clubhouse. Well, a team leader doesnt grouse in public; nor does the team leader imply, ever so slyly, that it was the on field management's fault. Werth was waaay out of line.
Did somebody just post something here?
Yeah. Jason Reid apparently....
@Anonymous #2 Well who does? Are you black?
Hey anon
Read some of Wilbon's hockey columns and get back to me
Anon..... Yawn.....
Fortunately for the Washington National's Fans, gossip columnist Jason Reid has it all figured out. He has thoughts about how his struggling journalism could improve. He has determined it’s time for another rant. He has ideas, though he’s not yet prepared to talk directly to the principal player. And you know what else Reid has? He apparently has jokes. Because in making cryptic comments Thursday about Werth's problems, Reid probably was just trying to be funny. Laughter is sometimes the best medicine, and Reid needed a boost after his horrid record of writing gossip columns that the Post ended up using as bird cage liners. Speaking with no one before writing his latest gossip column, especially the focus of his piece, Reid undoubtedly was trying out a new comedy bit, because he couldn’t have been serious about another's deficiencies while he’s busy writing his latest bit of gossip fluff. Reid apparently never requested to interview Werth about Werth’s comments, probably thinking he would only inflame his already embarrassing gossip column. Perhaps Reid will figure that out next time.
Actually, I think both of the Jayson/Jason's were right. Werth about how things need to change - whether he was calling for Riggs to go or not. The culture of losing just stinks up the joint and the players seem to accept it. Reid for calling out Werth for sub par play and being so vague when he made his comments. And yes, when you get paid $126M more is expected of you. Including LEADERSHIP!
I still believe Werth was referring to keeping "losers" on the roster. Good teams don't hide guys like they did with Broderick and guys like Stairs and guys like Slaten.
What he doesn't realize is the Minor Leagues don't hold great replacement players.
Also, I agree with him that Teddy has to win. It is time for that to change too. Make it into a fun event and let everyone know that Teddy is going to win. Then that is one less thing Werth will have to complain about. LOL
I cheer for Teddy every race. He needs to win that is the change needed.
Have Teddy wear a Nats jersey and blow by everyone.
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