Monday, January 24, 2011

Nats Insider: Phase 2

Upon launching Nats Insider some 357 days ago, I had no expectation whatsoever for this site. My intention at the time was simple: Find an outlet in which I could continue covering the Washington Nationals, hopefully reaching some small segment of the fan base.

Along the way, this place became something far greater than I ever imagined it could, building a dedicated following of readers from all over the world. (At last check, this site has been accessed from 151 different countries. Still waiting for that first click from Paraguay.)

There was, however, another objective to this whole exercise: To gain full-time employment. As successful as the site has been, its profit-making capabilities remain modest. It also can't offer a health care plan or a 401K.

So I'm happy to report today that I've been hired full-time by as Nationals beat writer, effective immediately. Most of you know I had been writing articles for CSN on a freelance basis for the last year. I'll be writing even more regularly now.

I'm also happy to report that as part of the arrangement, Comcast SportsNet has purchased Nats Insider. They'll assume ownership of the site, but I'll continue to publish it as a complementary blog alongside my full coverage on

The opportunity to continue publishing Nats Insider was a crucial part of the arrangement for me. As I said, this site has grown into something far greater than I ever expected. It's become not only a venue for reporting Nationals news and analysis, but more importantly it's become a place where fans gather and discuss their favorite team with each other. Even when I was on vacation a few weeks ago, the comments continued to roll in, with many of you developing conversation topics on your own.

This place has become a community, one I desperately didn't want to abandon. If anything, I hope the new arrangement opens the doors of Nats Insider to many more Nationals fans and helps cultivate an even larger community. Postings here will be linked on, and vice versa. We're still figuring out what articles will appear on which site, but I hope you'll make a point both to visit and comment on the pieces that run on CSN. Here's a link to my homepage there if you'd like to add it to your bookmarks.

One particular added benefit of this new arrangement is that readers no longer will need to subscribe to Nats Insider. My hope is to make all that extra content that went out to subscribers last season free and available to everyone via both sites.

There will be more details to come along the way, and I'm always open to your suggestions about how best to cover the Nationals. But for now, I simply want to say thank you. Thank you for reading. Thank you for commenting. Thank you for supporting Nats Insider over the last year and making all of this possible.

It's been my pleasure to cover the Nationals for you over the last year, and it will continue to be my pleasure to cover the Nationals for you (both here and on this year and into the future.


MGG said...

Glad to hear it Mark! Never was there a more deserving person then you for such a position.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mark on the new job. Very well deserved and glad to see that your coverage will continue.

No chance going back to the Wash Times? I hear Rev. Moon is hiring again. ;)

BinM said...

Congratulation, Mark! This is truly great news (for you, and all of us as well).

NatsJack in Florida said...

Great going, Mark.... I've been waiting for this announcement ever since our discussion at the Winter Meetings. The CSN people apparently know a good thing when they see it.

See you in Viera in a couple of weeks.

SCNatsFan said...

Good for you Mark. I found this site late, well after the season ended, yet visit every day for the articles and the intelligent conversation in the comments section. I'm so happy for you that finacially the burden will be eased on you; look forward to seeing what your new project brings to the table.

natsfan1a said...

That's great news, Mark! Congrats on landing the full-time position (and congrats to Comcast on locking up both you and your faithful following ;-)). I'm delighted to learn that the Nats Insider blog and community will continue to exist, as it's become my fave Nats site. I'm proud to have gotten in on the ground floor, as it were.

Anonymous said...

Ditto Congrats and thanks for looking out for us, too. Keep up the good work.

Kevin Rusch, Section406 said...

Congratulations, Mark. I'm really encouraged to see great journalism get rewarded by the market.

natsfan1a said...

Oh, and bookmark duly noted and added.

Jenn Jenson said...

Adding my voice to what I'm sure will become a very large choir: Congratulations Mark! You've done a great job here, and Comcast is wise to make you a full partner with their team.

Natsochist said...

Mark - congratulations! You've got undeniably the best coverage of the team on the web, and that was cemented when you arrived at spring training last year and scooped everyone on Detwiler's injury.

Kudos to CSN for picking up a huge asset to their team; I look forward to another year of great coverage.

D'Gourds said...

Congrats Mark--a good example of making the best of a bad situation when the Times imploded. Also some excellent entrepeneurship. Keep up the great work. You are destined to be a big part of the Nationals' history.

CB said...

Long live Nats Insider!

Arlington BigFish said...

You go, guy !!! And here I was all ready to write another check ;-) Reading this blog has become one of my favorite web pass-times. In fact, I probably spend way more time than I should absorbing the passion of my fellow Nats-lovers. But I can't help myself.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mark! Great to hear the good news and (selfishly :) ) that you'll be continuing to cover the Nats.

Thanks again,

SonnyG10 said...

Mark, congratulations on full time paid employment and benefits. I am thrilled you will still be a Nats beat writer and I will follow you on both sites! Also, thank you Comcast!

Bowdenball said...

Congratulations to Mark, and of course you have our gratitude for making the continued existence of this great site part of the deal!

Andrew said...

Mark said...One particular added benefit of this new arrangement is that readers no longer will need to subscribe to Nats Insider. My hope is to make all that extra content that went out to subscribers last season free and available to everyone via both sites.

Mark, in our own small way I hope we all financially helped to bridge the gap for you last year.

It was great being part of a unique concept as founding members and happy Nats Insider will continue. As you said "its profit-making capabilities remain modest" so I am even happier for you that you have a full-time position with benefits and I hear Comcast has big future plans with the Peacock.

Again, congratulations!

Janner33 said...

Richly deserved congratulations are in order Mark! I couldn't possibly count how many times I've clicked on this site the past 357 days! The number one site for Nats breaking news :) I look forward to following you on the new site, and to continue visiting this one as well. Congrats again!

JaneB said...

I am so happy for you, AND us, AND the Nats. You for the financial stability and the recognition that your gamble last year paid off. Us, because we still get you. And each other. And the Nats because you are helping to make their fans smarter and more attached with every post you create. I'll be sending the check I'd earmarked for you to the Nats' community charity (the name of which I forget, but will soon find out, something about a Dream, maybe?). Anyway. SO happy about all of it. 22 days till pitchers and catchers! Go Nats! Go Mark!

Nattydread said...

Congrats!!! Great job Mark. Keep it up!

Tegwar said...

Congratulations and well deserved. You took a bad situation and took a risk and I hope it paid off for you. I hope you still have editorial control.

Since I'm not writing the check do I still have my own sportswriter?

Stew Magnuson said...

Very wise move on the part of CSN, both hiring you and purchasing the Blog. I'm happy to have chipped a little in over the past year. It was content worth paying for.
I spent a year in uninsured poverty freelancing, earned about $22,000 in a year and was fortunate enough not get in an accident or contract a major disease. But on the bright side, I got to cover the Dodgers for a season.
I'll be looking for some spring training updates while on a trip later this month to the United Arab Emirates.

Sunshine_Bobby_Carpenter_Is_Too_Pessimistic_For_Me said...

Oh, thank goodness. I thought we were going to have to take up a pool to get up enough to cover the health insurance for Mrs. Z and you. Thank goodness, CSNWashington has stepped up to the plate. Loved the head shot of you with a tie. Red Smith would have been proud.

Mark, you're the best, the absolute best. You carry us on our worst days, and we all try to add a little spice in our own little ways. Your entreprenurial spirit is to be cherished, and admired. CSNWashington is getting a real pro, and we get to keep you too. As they say in the business, a great trade for both teams.

Besides, if not for this site, where else would JayB and NatsJack in Fla have to go during the day?

On behalf of all of us, thanks for keeping us all on your (expanded) 40-man (and woman). Obama should run you up the flagpole during his State of the Union as an example of the kind of spirit that keeps this country great. Sincere thanks for not throwing us under the bus.

Anonymous said...

Very well deserved. We as Nats fans are better for the success of your endeavor!!

Carl in 309 said...

Here's to full employment for sports writers! Kudos to you, and may we continue to read & discuss the Nats on this blog. Hoping to catch you again late in ST at Viera.

Sec3MySofa said...

Well done, sir!

Rich said...

Congrats! I have really enjoyed coming to this site and I'm glad that you will continue both sides. Thanks so much for producing this wonderful content!

Doc said...

Good things happen to good people, MarkMeister. You've given us a lot, and now CSN/Comcast is recognizing your genuine and honest efforts.

As you have resoundingly demonstrated, enterprise is best when it's a personal goal!

HHover said...

This is great news, Mark, and well deserved for you. For us denizens of the insider, I'm glad to hear that you'll be able to maintain this lively forum you've built over the last year. Congrats!

Jim Kurtzke said...

This is great news, Mark. A great outcome to an ambitious experiment in new media. Way to go!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Mark. Very well deserved.

I, along with everyone here, look forward to following you both via and here, in stereo, so to speak.

sjm 308 said...

Man, I was all set to take the check and go buy beer and wine but JaneB has shamed me into doing something similar. I have always supported SOME and they will now get a little more.

Congratulations and the new bookmark is duly noted.

I just wanted to let this group know how much I enjoy reading comments here. Not nearly as snarky or negative as NJ and in my opinion very knowledgable. I think we are all lucky that Mark has found success and I can't imagine not having this site for enjoyment. See all of you who supported my move to the 300 level in just a couple months.

Go Nats!!

Anonymous said...

Another thought for everyone here... when you're on Mark's CSN site, make sure you click on some ads every now and then - if they follow most revenue models these days, CSN gets paid based on click-throughs and not eyeballs. So let's support him by making Mark the most clicked-through site out there!


Les in NC said...

Thanks Mark, I really appreciate everything that you have done to for us as Nats fans! It has been fun following the team with you ever since you headed down to Florida with no guarantees that you would be able to stay the entire time. You have gone above and beyond what any other beat writer does for the fans, and we (I know I speak for everyone on this) are extremely grateful! Another thanks to ComCast for realizing that Mark's value and fan following are worth hiring on as a full time writer 'with benefits'.

John C. said...

Congratulations, Mark! I salute you for having the vision to see a way to keep doing what you love to do in the midst of chaos and uncertainty, and having the drive and determination to make that way work. I look forward to continuing on NI even without the financial investment, and to adding to CSN's hits as well.

Now, if you could just put your talents to work landing a true #1 starter for this year ;)

Richard said...

Great news! Congrats. Glad to see CSNWashington recognizing sportswriting talent; CSN will become a regular stop for me now.

Anonymous said...


When I first read about you in the New Yorker article about spring training in April, I knew I had to check out your blog. Given the arc of that story about you, I am extremely pleased to see you back on your feet. You're worked hard for this. Congratulations, and I'll definitely keep reading through 2011 and beyond.


Wally said...


Great news, and congrats on the CSN job. You have created a terrific forum for Nats conversations, Lerner bashing/defending, unbridled prospect love and Philly hate, and we really appreciate it.


johninmpls said...

Congratulations, Mark. While this is great news for all of us, all of it is due only to your hard work and talent.

I don't post here often, but I visit every day and read every post and nearly every comment. Your coverage is nonpareil, and it's great to see that excellence officially recognized.

I was already poised to pay for this year's coverage. Instead, I will make a donation in your name to the Washington Nationals Dream Foundation.

dj in Fl. said...

Your situation was our breakfast table discussion this morning, and it is the win, win we had hoped for. You have earned the right to have the best of both worlds.
With the roster set,and the coverage covered, it is time for the boys to report, and you all to come on down. The weather is always fine for baseball.

joemktg said...

Congrats Mark.

How great is it that CSN is picking up the T&E?

Traveler8 said...

Mark, this is great news, glad to hear that you were able to work things out the way you wanted, and most happy that the blog is a key part it.

Traveler8 said...

Just went to your CSN page - I see that now you are a corporate type, you wear suits and ties!

court, rfk428 said...

Congrats Mark, you've earned your success and I'm glad to hear you're officially back on the Nats' beat.


Positively Half St. said...

Excellent, Mark. It has been a pleasure reading and discussing the Nats with you. I hope your good luck rubs off on the team, and proves to be a great benefit to CSNwashington as well. We'll stick with you, and I will try to be a regular of your new employers web sites.


erocks33 said...

Count me in amongst the many throngs giving their congratulations Mark! And congrats to Mrs. Z for her patience and understanding during this challenging year.

And now that you'll be at CSN, please lay the groundwork for a TRUE baseball-oriented daily show on their network! It could encapsulate the Nats (and I guess O's stuff, if need be) as well as their minor-league teams (I'm sure some viewers would like regular video updates of one Mr. Harper). What are you waiting for? Chop chop!

TimDz said...

I'll add my kudo's as well, Mark. I follow the Nats faithfully and use your site to keep up to date while occasionally getting into trouble with some of the other posters...
This blog is by far the most enjoyable of the Natosphere. The fans are quite knowledgable (don't include myself in the group, but I am learning) and for the most part, respectful. I occasionally head to WAPO, but there is an element there (those who go there know exactly what that element is...) that makes it far less enjoyable.
Long Live Nats Insider...

Berndaddy said...

Awesome news Mark! Thanks for your coverage and transparency. What a wide ranging trip you took us on last year. Dude you rock and now you've got a bigger platform to rock. I hope your agent can get you more TV time, too. That'll mean more coverage from another outlet. Thanks again and good luck.

N. Cognito said...

Why stop with CSNWashington. I hear there's an opening at MSNBC.


Avar said...

Congrats Mark! I'm very happy that you can continue to cover the Nats and in a way that provides much improved security for your family.

Having someone who has covered the Nats from the beginning is invaluable. I waited many years to see a team return here and I love benefiting from you outstanding knowledge of the team and the game.

I was nervous about this season and very pleased that your coverage will continue.

Bratislava, Slovakia said...

Bravo! I know I've linked into the site from at least half a dozen countries, but I also know that there were already people in each of them reading your stuff.

Keith said...

Yippie! I remember when you invented Nats Insider. I told my wife that it was as hopeless as my beloved Nats and I would be buying a season ticket to it just the same. What's happened since is inspirational to all us could'a, should'a, would'a(s).

cadeck13 said...

Congratulations Mark! I seriously can't think of anyone more deserving of this than you. CSN wisely gained the best beat writer around as well as the best Nationals blog. And make sure they know that they better treat you royal or they have to answer to us!

upperdeck4 said...

This news is great, Mark! I was getting ready to pony up for another year because I so enjoy NI; it was good being a "charter member". Congratulations.

Mississippi Snopes said...

Wonderful news, Mark.

You've done a tremendous job at creating a safe place for intelligent and civil discussion of the Nats. I can remember posting a comment here after 11 p.m. a few months ago, which shortly after I posted it, I realized was too "political" and would generate needless non-baseball controversy. But before I could get back on and delete it, you had already done it for me. I was delighted.

The Post's Adam Kilgore and Dave Sheinin both do an excellent job as sports journalists -- but the Post's reader comments are all too often marred by posts by anonymous people with names like "Poopy McPoop." Thank you so much for maintaining this tiny patch of civilization on the Internet.

And congratulations as well on one of the most nimble reactions I've seen to the ongoing train wreck of print media colliding with the Internet.

Dougie said...

Congratulations. It's nice being paid for doing what you love, isn't it?
Now figure out some way I can be paid for reading your blogs. ..three or four times a day!

Sunshine_Bobby_Carpenter_Is_Too_Pessimistic_For_Me said...

Mid-day nominee for Post of the Day goes to:

N. Cognito said...

Why stop with CSNWashington. I hear there's an opening at MSNBC.


Sunshine_Bobby_Carpenter_Is_Too_Pessimistic_For_Me said...

Mid-day nominee for Post of the Day goes to:

N. Cognito said...

Why stop with CSNWashington. I hear there's an opening at MSNBC.


Paul said...

Congrats, Mark! Glad you excellent Nationals writing will be continue. I was worried that while you were under-employed that some other team would snap you up... Glad you are sticking with the Nats!

Sunshine_Bobby_Carpenter_Is_Too_Pessimistic_For_Me said...

Now, why did THAT happen?

Because I am to computers what Manny Acta is to managing perhaps?

NatsJack in Florida said...

Amazing... over 60 posts and not one about how cheap the Lerners are, or how they really screwed up hannging on to Bowden, or how big a failure Rizzo is for not getting that #1 starter or having a back up plan for lead off hitter.

How refreshing.

N. Cognito said...

NatsJack in Florida said...
"Amazing... over 60 posts and not one about how cheap the Lerners are, or how they really screwed up hannging on to Bowden, or how big a failure Rizzo is for not getting that #1 starter or having a back up plan for lead off hitter.

How refreshing."

JayB must have gone to Paraguay.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Mississippi Snopes. Nats Insider is great! Smart people, civil conversation, a variety of opinions, and a nice job of editing out the stuff that makes other sites objectionable. Congratulations, Mark.

Faraz Shaikh said...

Congratulations Mark. Very well deserved!

Anonymous said...

Martis DFA'd to make room for Hairston, says Kilgore via Twitter.

Congrats Mark, but dont be slackin' on your pimpin'!

Positively Half St. said...

When I first read MLBTR, I believe it said that they released him. I suppose this makes a lot more sense. However, since he is off the 40-man, does that at all expose him to a waiver claim? I don't fear he would be claimed, but then again, I am not holding my breath for his eventual return, either.

NatsJack in Florida said...

Great post, N. Cognito!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Mark, you are a very talented beat writer and are deserving of a real full time gig and more. I initially came to the site to check on your ability to travel to Viera in the aftermath of the blizzard and quickly became hooked on this site as the 'must check' site after and before every game, and through the off season.

I echo another poster's thoughts -- it would be great if you could host a weekly Nats roundtable on CSN -- something like MASN's "Tom Davis Show" but completely Nats-centric.

Todd Boss said...

Congratulations Mark!

markfd said...

AWESOME news Mark!! Glad to see initiative and good journalism were not overlooked by Comcast! I look forward to following you on your new journey.

N. Cognito said...

Mark -
DCRTV says you'll also be doing some Caps coverage. How much of that will you be doing?

Nats fan in NJ said...

Mark - Congratulations and the Nats community that you've supported so well this past year is very much behind you!!

Knoxville Nat said...


Like others here let me congratulate you on landing this position with and also to Comcast as well for recognizing the fine talent that you are. I've bookmarked your new home page and pledge to faithfully read it daily as I do with natsinsider.

Let me also echo the comments of erocks33, hopefully this gig will lead into a TRUE baseball show as he has suggested. And to follow up on something N.Cognito people still watch MSNBC?

Anonymous said...

"Why stop with CSNWashington. I hear there's an opening at MSNBC."

Presume you're talking about Olbermann. Are you aware that he's been blogging baseball for some time at This is apparently independent of MSNBC, so no reason to think it won't continue.

Mark Zuckerman said...

N. Cognito said...
Mark - DCRTV says you'll also be doing some Caps coverage. How much of that will you be doing?

I will be assisting with Caps coverage for now. My former Wash Times colleague Corey Masisak recently left a freelance gig with CSN for a full-time at, so CSN is without a full-time hockey writer at the moment. Heading down to Verizon Center tonight to cover the game against the Rangers.

Rest assured, my primary responsibility at CSN is to cover the Nats.

Juan-John said...

Felicidades/Mabruuk/Congrats Mark!

You're an inspiration to those of us wannabe bloggers who hope to turn an avocation into a vocation.

Besta luck with CSNW!

Section 223 said...

Terrific news for a hard worker. Let me add my congratulations. Be bold and mighty forces will come to your aid. When you can do something you like and are good at, it's the best.

I also want to add that I enjoy the conversations here because even when they seem to start to get a bit heated, they calm down on their own.

I guess I won't need to send any photos your way, since you have a media gig now. Can't wait for the season.

Anonymous said...

So pleased for your new opportunity but more pleased you won't be leaving. You do a great job and I look forward to more from you.

NatsFanTom said...

Thank YOU Mark. You've done an outstanding job, and deserve all the opportunities that come your way. I'm relieved that we will still be reading your posts. It's grown to be a big part of the Nats fan experience for me and so many others.

Timjoebob said...

Nice Mark. I hope they paid seven figures for it! It's worth a million bucks getting me through the winter. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Way to Go Mark! Win-Win for all of us.

Scooter said...

I have one hope for the new arrangement: that you'll continue to put pointers here, on Nats Insider, when new content goes up elsewhere. I've appreciated being able to use just one bookmark and RSS feed to keep up with your work.

Of course, that may not prove feasible, in which case I'll do the extra clicking with a smile on my lips, a song in my heart, and nary a grumble.

Mazel tov.

Mayhemnsuz said...


Congratulations! I, too, was ready to renew my subscription. Very glad that CSN picked up you and the Insider.

Looking forward to another season of fine fine coverage here and on CSN. (And I for one am looking forward to your Caps coverage as well!)

Anonymous said...

I comment rarely. The quality of your reporting has been a joy and I have gladly supported you because of it.

Anonymous said...

You are our golden glober...congrats and thanks for all your outstanding Nats coverage. JTinSC

Section 215, Row A said...

You're sure, Mark? I was ready to write another check to get you on the plane to Viera next month.

Ernie said...

Not much to add, but I wanted to say thanks as well. I spend far too much time every day reading your articles and the comments. You've built one of the best fan sites I've seen.

Some day it would be really interesting to learn what went well with the blog, what didn't work so well, and whether this is even a sustainable type of journalism. Your "I have my own sportswriter" shirts really captured the sense of community here. There's a connection directly to you instead of to an institution that binds everyone in ways that a corporate-sponsored blog can't match. I sincerely hope that feeling endures.

Thanks for feeding our shared addiction!

Suicide Squeeze said...

Congrats, Mark! This is the best Nats blog out there and, frankly, one of the most well written blog on any subject that I follow. You are truly dedicated and making a point of keeping the Insider alive during talks with CSN speaks to that. Perhaps your success will inspire others and, for that, I am proud to have supported you and it was great meeting you and the missus at the park. As a (very small) pay back, I am in Hong Kong for a conference, so maybe that checks another spot off the click list!

Congrats and cheers!

David said...

congratulations Mark! I'm a regular reader but I barely post. I look forward to following both sites closely! I'd also like to second the notion that a TV show about Nats only would be tremendous. Good luck! I'm glad you're sticking with the Nats.

Anonymous said...

Good deal! That's a huge load off of everyone's mind! Onward and upward to bigger and better things!

Anonymous said...

Mark: Although never blog today i feel very happy for you. Knowing that you'll keep us gettting the wider view of the Nats organization ups and downs on an accurate and polite manner. Best to you.

NatsnutMD said...


This is wonderful and exciting news. Nats Insider has been my first "click" for Nats news from the day it began. It will continue to be along with It feels good that being a subscriber from day one might have contributed in a small way to this outcome. It took a lot of guts to break new ground and you should be proud of your accomplishment during tough times. Play ball!

zib23 said...

Congratulations Mark! This was my first full year as a Nats enthusiast (finally embracing the team of my new hometown over the team I grew up pulling for) and your coverage made it so enjoyable.

Look forward to reading more of your reporting and analysis in the year ahead.

Richard in Bethany said...

I agree with everything David said.

JayB said...

Very Cool list of names here....we may not agree on how best to view this team but it is fun to see all these names and Mark, you are a big reason they are still posting about the Nats....Thank You

CoverageisLacking said...

This is awesome news, Mark, congratulations! I'm really pleased for you, and for us as fans. It's nice to see the market work once in a while and quality rewarded.

Dryw said...

Great news on all fronts! A definite WIN!

Another_Sam said...

I'm so happy to hear that things are working out well for you. I hope that this turns out to be perfect for you. Again, thank you for everything.

Anonymous said...

I hope you eventually get that URL enabled. My workplace has what they call social networking sites - including blogspot - blocked. LOL

Princess Jazzy said...

Congratulations, Mark! All I can say is what took CSN so long to give you the full-time gig?

Your coverage has been fantastic and thank you so much for this blog. I don't comment much but I never miss anything you put on here.

Good luck and thank you again for all your hard work! The inception of this blog and your journey to ST last season was brilliant and I'm glad it all paid off for you.

Looking forward to your reports on CSN and here this season.

Drew8 said...


Congrats on the great news.

Your reporting chops and good-natured posts make this a rewarding respite from the Web's mean-spirited cacophony.

alm1000 said...

Congrats Mark.
I've been reading but not posting since Strasburg went down and Dibbs was fired, but this site is the best on the Nats.
Glad you have some security.

SBrent said...

Big congrats, Mark! This seems like the best of all possible worlds! Really glad to hear you'll get a proper salary and benefits and yet we get to keep all the advantages of your great work on the Nats beat and with the NatsInsider blog community. Plus, this is a great vote of confidence from CSNWashington that the Nats are worth investing money in. So, three wins in one, I would say.

NatBiscuit said...

But I was finally ready to pry a few bucks loose to pay you. Your coverage has given me quite a bit of pleasure over the past year and I feel like I owe it to you.

So at the moment all I can give you is my heart felt thanks and express my admiration for your skill as a journalist, your work ethic, and your character - which shines through with every sentence you write.

Thanks much for your continued good work.

SilverSpring8 said...

I would have preferred a front-line starting pitcher ... but this is pretty good news! Congrats, Mark.

Section 109 said...

This is wonderful news, Mark. It took guts for you to try the experiment last year, and we were the beneficiaries. To say you deserve the position with CSN and the larger audience is an understatement. And I think you look very nice in the suit. You are the best.

Luis said...

I just read every comment on this post and I'm just as happy for you, Mark, as everyone else. Congratulations and be sure that I'll continue to read almost every comment and definitely every one of your posts on either website. You're the best and I hope to meet you in Viera this spring and maybe snap a picture with you for my Facebook page (it'll rank up there with the likes of Zim and Strasburg). Thanks for your dedication.

nicefellow31 said...

I'm going to echo what Luis said. This is a great site and it's full of real baseball/Nats fans, not like the goofs on the Washpo board. Even though we haven't seen much sucess on the field, I like how dedicated this fan base is, or at least on this site. I'm sure once we start winning the bandwagon will get full, but I'll always remember fondly the true fans who stuck with the team from the beginning.

Souldrummer said...

Mark, just have to add my voice to the choir of praise. I hope that you'll continue to be able to maintain the independence and willingness to offer a counter voice to some of the other media sources that have a lot already invested with the team.

We are so blessed to have someone so devoted to covering the team who appreciates the fan perspective and is willing to work on building the community for a young team.

I hope that your realize how important your work has been. I constantly tell people from other fanbases that we are a "toddler team". We are still seeking an identity.

Your blog is a core part of the identity of the Nats fanbase. So few people love our team outside of DC. We don't get the ESPN coverage outside of Bryce Harper and Stephen Strasburg. Nobody knows our prospects or takes the time to understand what we have. But how many fanbases can say that they have a professional newspaper reporter willing to take the risk that you have?

I hope that Comcast has treated you well and you'll have legions of committed readers to support you in any way possible in your new endeavors.

Please let us know what the best ways are to support you as you start working for CSN/Comcast.

I know. I'll hold my nose and watch the Wizards!

MJR said...

Yaaaaaaaaaay! I'd like to add my voice (keyboard clicks?) to the cacaphony raised by happy Nats fans who frequent this blog. I'm delighted that 1) you'll be finding it easier to keep body and soul together and 2) that we will still have NatsInsider to go to for our daily (sometimes hourly) Nats fix. I'm touched that you thought us important enough to make the continuation of NatsInsider a condition of your agreement with CSN. Thank you, Mark, for who you are and what you do. And thanks, too, to Mrs. Z. for hanging in there with you and us and the Nats as you struck out on your own to create something new. If I get down to ST, I'll try to find you to say "thanks" in person.

The Herndon Kid said...


Congrats. This is well-deserved.

Grant Mulkey said...

Congratulations from an avid reader and occasional commenter. I'm looking forward to your continuing coverage in even more outlets!

Anonymous said...

I echo all the compliments. I have grown to treasure this community of fans as well as the excellent coverage and insight you have given us Mark. I am thankful both will continue and you will be blessed with a steady paycheck.

LoveDaNats said...

Just got back from NYC so sorry I'm late with the congrats! I have to tell you how much I enjoy your work and all of the people who comment. I'm so happy for you. Can't wait for the new season. Show 'em how it's done.


Dave said...

I too am late with the congrats, but...Congrats!

I am very glad that NI will keep on keeping on, and that the one and only beat writer who has covered the Nats from the beginning will continue to do so.

Nats4Tommy said...

Bully 4 You!!

li-yun said...

it's a really great move for you!

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